So, browsing around the web y came across this video of Chanel promoting their new fragrance Coco Mademoiselle and i must say that this is absolutely great! The professionalism in which the video was executed, the history that develops in it made me love it and suddenly i felt the need of putting it up on my blog.
Keira Knightley is, by no douth, the perfect muse for this side of Chanel, and how it's always been, Chanel keeps us happy and surprised with presentations of any kind with such a flawless quality! The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is that this brand has cultivated great thing and there's no doubt that they will keep making the fashion world drop at their feet and rocking the runways around the world like no other for many years to come!
Andando por la web me tope con este video de la marca Chanel promocionando su fragancia Coco Mademoiselle y me ha parecido algo excelente.La profesionalidad con la que el video fue editado, la historia que cuenta y la ejecucion del mismo me encanto desde que lo vi y obligatoriamente senti el deseo de subirlo a mi blog.
Keira knightley es la musa perfecta para esta parte de Chanel, y como siempre lo ha sido, Chanel nos sigue sorprendiendo con presentaciones de calidad impecable! La verdad es que esta marca se ha sembrado, cultivado y seguira adornando las pasarelas del mundo por muchos aƱos futuros.
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